BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:a222de5d3f7e17edfa15968d2808ffa7 SUMMARY:Orama Basic Scout Leadership Course DTSTAMP:20230714T080000Z DTSTART:20230714T080000Z DTEND:20230716T040000Z DESCRIPTION:Do you want to learn more about Leadership and yourself? Then think Basic Scout Leadership Course.\n\nPreferably no more than 3 Scouts per Group.\nThe purpose of this course is for the members of the Scout Section to train and develop their leadership skills\, particularly as they apply to their possible role as a PL within the Troop. \nCourse Eligibility:\nTo be eligible to attend this course and benefit from the training\, a Scout should:\n· be at least Twelve and a half years of age\;\n· consulted their Unit Council\;\n· display an attitude that they are doing their best to keep the Scout Promise and Law\;\n· be willing to participate fully in the course program\;\n· have endorsement of the Unit Council and Scout Leader\;\n· have a Scout Leader willing to attend the weekend with them.\n-Scouts will be camping outside the Scout Hall\, so tent\, sleeping bag\, pillow\, camp clothes for the weekend\, full uniform\, personal hygiene gear\, towel and mess kits.\n Other equipment required is pens note book/paper\,1 or 2 newspapers\, and a great attitude.\n No thongs or sandals permitted. Please bring a hat and sunscreen.\n Places are limited and it is asked that Leaders attend with Scouts.\n Leaders will be asked to assist over the weekend For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Kempsey Scout Hall\, 103 Tozer St\, Kempsey NSW 2440 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR