In preparation for Cuboree, our Unit E717, together with our other Cuboree Units from South Metropolitan Region, will be holding a 'Shakedown' Camp. The purpose is to get to know each other and to get a taste of what Cuboree will be like. We will also be testing all our camping equipment, sleeping tent arrangements and designing our Camp Gateway, Unit Badge and Unit Shirt. Cubs will also experience large number of Cubs arriving/departing, in Units, at set times and moving their bag from drop-point to camp-site on their own as will happen at the Cuboree. Cubs will also develop a Code of Conduct and form bonds with our many different Home Groups. There is also opportunity to complete parts of OAS Camping Skills.
Our R717 Unit comprises the following Home Groups;
1st Alcheringa |
1st Caringbah |
1st Lilli Pilli |
1st Oyster Bay |
2nd Caringbah |
3rd/4th Kensington |
Please note the start time, we are staggering the start times to get 400+ into camp in a small time period, so please be prompt.
Camp Fee - $90.00 (includes Shakedown Camp food and camping fee; our own designed Unit Shirt and Unit Swap Badges and other incidental purchases for our Cuboree unit)
BSB: 032-156
ACC: 810 903
e-mail remittance to:
Pack List (to be issued by email)
Please note the following;
- Full uniform to and from camp
- If you don't want items to go missing, label ALL ITEMS "R717 <YOUR NAME>"
- Cubs must pack their own bags so they know what they have and where it is located
- No electronic devices / phones [Cubs]
- Wide brim hats and collared shirts required. Enclosed shoes worn at all times.
- Check your emails regularly for other Cuboree information