This is a restricted event.
Registration for Cuboree Service Leaders who will be required to attend one or more days in the lead up to the event to prepare the site for Cuboree 2023: Explore the World.
Team Leaders are encouraged to complete this application for all members of the team that will be required to prepare your area ahead of the Friday start of Cuboree and then packup the site following the closure and departure of the event on the Tuesday.
Access to the site prior to cuboree and post cuboree is heavilly restricted and all members on site must be approved by the Director of the appropiate area. Team Leaders and Directors are required to minimise numbers as much as possible.
Catering for the advance and pack down teams is avaiable and will be charged to the individual directoriate. Each directorate will make the decision on if it can absorb costs.
All people accessing the site MUST be registered and have completed the e-1 form prior to attending the site.
This event is password protected - if you believe you should be able to register for this event, please contact
This is not an application for Unit Bump In teams who are looking to attend on the Thursday before the camp.