TEST ENVIRONMENT: Last database refresh from PROD 2/7/2024

Thrills and Skills Lights Camera Action!

Event Details
Fri 13th Sep 2024 (4pm) to Sun 15th Sep 2024 (1pm)
Camp Eagle Eye
2080 Orara Way, Glenreagh NSW
Google Map
Joeys - $65.00
Cubs - $65.00
Junior Service Leaders - $30.00
Leaders and Rovers - $30.00
Adult Helpers - $40.00
Open: Thu 27th Jun 2024 (1am)
Close: Mon 12th Aug 2024 (11.59pm)
Brief Summary:
Fun weekend camp for Joeys and Cubs full of movie-themed thrills and skills.
Additional Information

What is Thrills and Skills?

Thrills and Skills is a two-night camp for Joeys and Cubs where you can have some fun and adventure completing lots of exciting activities and meeting youth members from all over North Coast Region.

Who can come?

This camp is open to all registered youth and adult members, although the activities are focused on Joeys and Cubs.

All adult helpers will need to be registered as an Adult Helper and have a cleared WWCC prior to registering for camp. Please speak with your Unit or Group Leader if you need help doing this.

All adults (apart from approved carers) will be assigned a role, which may include helping to deliver activities, catering, sites & services and providing support to the event.

Scouts and Venturers may attend as Junior Service Leaders. They will have their own leader supervised camp site and will help to run activities under Leader supervision. Scouts & Venturers must be approved by their Unit Council and camp organisers and Scouts must have achieved Program Essentials Milestone 1 before 31 August 2024.


Camping sites will be allocated prior to the commencement of the camp. Check with your Unit Leaders

Adults and youth are not permitted to share tents. The exception is where a Joey/Cub has been identified with a special need prior to camp, then that Joey/Cub and approved carer will have their own tent space.


Thrills and Skills will deliver some great movie-themed activities that are adventurous, fun, challenging and inclusive.

Activities will be supervised by Leaders of Youth and will be fun and exciting. They will encompass a range of thrills and skills including a climbing wall, and hopefully a flying fox and archery!


The camp fee does not include meals. Each Unit will organise and supply their own food at an additional cost payable directly to your group.

Please do not send your Youth Member to camp with food, lollies, or nut products of any kind.

If your Youth Member has a special diet you must inform your Unit Leaders & note this on the permission form, this includes any food allergies - listed both in dietary needs & allergies.

What to bring?

Unit Leaders will provide you with an advised gear list closer to the event. This will be chosen to reflect the weather and the activity requirements of the camp. Joeys and Cubs should practice selecting & packing their own clothes and necessities prior to camp. 

Feeling Safe at Thrills and Skills

This event practices 'Two Adults at all times' and youth members must never be left alone with an adult, even if it is their parent.

Everyone in Scouts, youth and adults alike have the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse. No-one is allowed to threaten you, hurt you, or touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or afraid.

A Scout is respectful, and this applies to all interactions between all participants, youth and adults at Thrills and Skills.

You do not have to deal with abuse on your own. If you feel unsafe, threatened, or you see/hear something that causes you concern, please speak to a Leader or Rover on an activity. Your concerns will be taken seriously. The information you provide will be shared with people who can support and protect you.

If you don’t know what to do – speak to someone at Thrills and Skills HQ.

If, for any reason, you do not feel the concerns of this nature which you raised at Thrills and Skills HQ have been satisfactorily dealt with, please report your concerns directly to the Child Protection Team at the NSW State Office on 02 9735 9000 or via ChildProtection@nsw.scouts.com.au or your parents.

Health & Medications

Medications including prescription should ideally be sent to camp in a webster pack and handed to your Unit Leader on arrival at camp. Only exceptions are asthma puffers & epi pens which must be carried by the user. It is preferable that anyone with severe asthma or an allergy have a management/treatment plan provide a copy to camp organisers and your Unit's 1st Aider.

Please do not attend Thrills and Skills if you are unwell. Our refund policy allows that any person who stays home and provides medical evidence will receive a refund for this event.

E-Permission Active What is this?
Registrations Closed