BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:1168a91d9e8d2729769b548438bb68a1 SUMMARY:Lane Cove National Park Bushwalk DTSTAMP:20240302T210000Z DTSTART:20240302T210000Z DTEND:20240303T030000Z DESCRIPTION:Meet at Mowbray Park in the car park. Please arrive by 8 am. We will head off on our hike at 8:15 am LATEST.\nTravel schedule and route plan:\n\nWe will stop for a break at least two times before having lunch—the first at the Jenkins Hill Picnic Area. The second one is near the Redbank Oval. Then we will stop for lunch at the Blue Hole. Then we will break twice once again before arriving back where we started. First\, we will cross the Lane Cove River via the De Burghs Bridge on Lane Cove Road. Our third break (not including lunch) will be at the Halfway Point Picnic Area. Our fourth one (not including lunch) will be at the Illoura Picnic Area. Then\, we will continue non-stop back to where we started\, crossing the river once again at Epping Road and the M2 Motorway as we near our final destination\, which is where we started. We should arrive back by around 2:30 pm\, if not 2 pm. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Mowbray Park Carpark\, 23 Walkers Dr\, Lane Cove North NSW 2066\, Australia END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR