BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:11683f6b00e56a2d19dbe89e5cbe9ea6 SUMMARY:District Flag Camp (Port Hacking\, Yaroona\, Royal National Park) DTSTAMP:20240308T063000Z DTSTART:20240308T063000Z DTEND:20240310T030000Z DESCRIPTION:District Flag Camp is an annual competition camp for all Scout Patrols from the Port Hacking District in the South Met Region. This year Scout Patrols from our neighboring Yaroona and Royal National Park districts are also invited. Scout's either in their home Patrol or in a new Project Patrol work together to PLAN\, prepare and execute their own Patrol Campsite from Friday Night to Sunday at camp\, as well as participate in activities throughout the weekend to earn points\, towards the 3 District Awards:\n1. The District Flag Award – For Campcraft \n2. The Best Patrol Award\n3. The Best Patrol Leader (PL) Award For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Camp Coutts\, Princes Hwy\, Waterfall NSW 2233\, Australia END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR