BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:0cbb14f1149f1843ad1e4f0bb7318e93 SUMMARY:Overnight Canoe Trip DTSTAMP:20240517T223000Z DTSTART:20240517T223000Z DTEND:20240519T090000Z DESCRIPTION:This overnight canoe trip is for Venturers\, Rovers\, Leaders and adult helpers who are experienced canoeists and either:\n- need an overnight canoe trip for their logbook and are working towards gaining trained participant in canoeing on flat water\; OR\n- have safe or trained participant and wanting to paddle in new areas in preparation for taking out youth participants from your group\n\nPlease read additional information for full details. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Crosslands Reserve then paddling on Berowra Creek\, Somerville Rd\, Hornsby Heights END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR