Activity Overview
The Joey Fun Day starts at 9:30 with the opening ceremony beginning at 10. Our day will run to approximately 4 pm. Our fun day is being held at Don’s Farm in Avondale.
Participants will participate in activities themed around the TV show ‘Bluey’.
This event is run by Dapto ‘Westlake’ Venturer unit, supported by the South Coast and Tablelands Environment team.
Who can come
The Fun Day is open to all Joeys in the South Coast and Tablelands region. The event is open to siblings of these joeys and their parents.
Venturers and Rovers are invited to come and assist in the running of the event
Feeling Safe at our event
Everyone in Scouts, youth and adults alike has the right to feel safe and be protected from abuse. No one is allowed to threaten you, hurt you, or touch you in a way that makes you feel uncomfortable, unsafe, or afraid.
A Scout is respectful, and this applies to all interactions between all participants, youth and adults at the 2024 Joey Fun Day.
You do not have to deal with abuse on your own. If you feel unsafe, or threatened, or you see/hear something that causes you concern, please speak to a Leader or Rover on an activity or the activity coordination team. Your concerns will be taken seriously. The information you provide will be shared with people who can support and protect you.
If you don’t know what to do – speak to someone at the check-in desk.
If, for any reason, you do not feel the concerns of this nature that you raised at our event have been satisfactorily dealt with, please report your concerns directly to the Child Protection Team at the NSW State Office on 02 9735 9000 or via
Payment & Refund Policy
All applications, payments and e-permissions must be received by the Joey Fun Day admin team before the closing date. Any application not finalised before the closing date will be cancelled.
All requests for refunds must be received before the 6th of June.
General Health Policy
If you are unwell or are showing symptoms of a viral disease, we ask that you stay home and look after yourselves. Our refund policy allows any person who stays home and provides medical evidence will receive a refund for this event.
Questions and concerns
Please see your Joey leader for any concerns or questions. If they are unable to answer your question your query will be forwarded to the admin team.
Download 2024 Joey Environment Fun Day ‘Bluey’s Big Adventure’ Don’s Farm map
Download Bluey Colouring Competition
Colouring Competition
Download Joey Fun day info package (Parents and youth)
Info - Parents
Download Joey Fun day info package (Vennies, Rovers and other helpers)
Info - Vennies