BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:2afbd32780ee3cef7a65a2fac1b5d916 SUMMARY:Garigal District Cub (ONLY) Hike DTSTAMP:20240810T035000Z DTSTART:20240810T035000Z DTEND:20240810T073000Z DESCRIPTION:Garigal District Cub (ONLY) Hike on Saturday the 10th of August\, 2024 from 2pm - 5.30pm (Please arrive by 1.50pm and check in with Allambie Leader\, "Emu")\n\nMeeting Point - Section 4 Manly Dam picnic area\n\nFinish Point - 1st Allambie Heights Scout Hall\, 84 Roosevelt Ave Allambie Heights\n\n(car pooling is strongly encouraged at both ends - you can park at either end of oval where Allambie Hall is)\n\nCost $7 (for Cubs and Parent Helpers). The cost does subsidise Leaders attendance.\n\n$0 (Leaders attending the Hike) For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Manly Dam END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR