BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:9aaa04333a7c2521f82ae3fa73654ba9 SUMMARY:JOTA 2021 DTSTAMP:20211015T130000Z DTSTART:20211015T130000Z DTEND:20211016T130000Z DESCRIPTION:JOTA this year will be a combination of interactive videos on teams\, outdoor activities and communicating\nwith amateur radio operators over the air. The attached program and times in the event description are a guide\nto what activities are being run and when they are run. Availability is subjective to staffing and youth\nmembers present at the time. In each session\, there youth members will have a choice of activities to choose from. \nAll activities are optional\, so youth members are encouraged to attend.\n\nNOTE: DUE TO PLANNING ACTIVITY AVAILABILITY IS SUBJECTIVE TO CHANGE\,\nANY CHANGES WILL BE COMMUNICATED TO YOU\n\n8th \nOctober 2021 - Due to operational reasons\, we \nhave cancelled the videos on Anatartica \nand Space. Instead there will be an Antartica\nQ and A discussion session\nAlso\, the radio message \npassing will be battleships. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Online via Teams END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR