BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:ddce213dcc8cd1808b8865af29b1e049 SUMMARY:Lawsons Long Alley (Introduction to Overnight Hikes) DTSTAMP:20170713T230000Z DTSTART:20170713T230000Z DTEND:20170715T053000Z DESCRIPTION:A bushwalking guide takes participants step by step through the basics including support and coaching.\nThis hike is based in Mount Victoria and is a loop of around 13 km. This is an ideal route for entry level and beginners. It is made up of easy bush tracks\, fire trail and road easement.\n*This activity is targeted to Scouts and Venturers.\n**Partial attendance can be arranged. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Mount Victoria Station\, Darling Causeway\, Mount Victoria NSW END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR