TEST ENVIRONMENT: Last database refresh from PROD 2/7/2024

Burning Palms - Royal National Park - 1 day bushwalk

Event Details
Sun 21st Aug 2022 (8am to 4pm)
Otford Lookout
Lady Wakehurst Drive, Otford
Google Map
All other attendees - $5.00
Activities Team leaders - Free
Open: Tue 2nd Aug 2022 (12am)
Close: Tue 16th Aug 2022 (4.26pm)
Maximum 37 people
Brief Summary:
1 day bushwalk, Royal National Park. Otford Lookout (Lady Wakehurst Drive) to Burning Palms via the Coast Track. Need minimum 2 adults and 4 youth members for the hike to go ahead. Max 25 people. The intention is to walk to Burning Palms from the Otford Lookout vi the Coast Track. Please note that sections of the Coast Track are currently being repaired following the recent rain events. If the Coast Track is closed to us on the day of the hike, we will proceed to Burning Palms via the Garawarra Ridge Trail.
Additional Information

The hike is approximately 10-12 km depending on our route and potential detour to Figure 8 Pool. The detour to Figure 8 Pool is highly dependant on safety considerations including the sea swell, tides etc. There is a 200m contour height variation between Burning Palms and Otford Lookout. The track is graded 4/6 and may be strenuous in places. Hikers with a reasonable level of fitness will have a more injoyable day.

Participants require a small backpack with: Lunch, raincoat, small first aid kit, hat, layered clothing, 2.5-3.5 lts water, insect repellant, compass, pencil & notebook.

The hike is planned to go ahead even if moderate rain is forecast. Participants are to plana dn prepare for expected weather conditions. I recommend that hikers have a change of clothes brought in vehicles picking up participants after the activity.

The hike will be cancelled if severe weather warning is announced for the activity area. http://www.bom.gov.au/nsw/warnings/

This event requires credit card payment via the Stripe payment platform. If this is unsuitable please contact Glenn Austin (0417 272 978 or glenn.austin@nsw.scouts.com.au) to discuss payment options. For difficulties registering for the event also contact Glenn Austin

If there are any other questions regarding the planned activity, please contact the activity coordinator Neville Austin (Nifty) Mob No: 0400 432 361 or via email: nifty.activities@gmail.com

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Registrations Closed