BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:Spatie calendar-links BEGIN:VEVENT UID:d7916aa17d8a7b46434df69e034a529d SUMMARY:Orama District Joey and Cub Water Fun day DTSTAMP:20230310T220000Z DTSTART:20230310T220000Z DTEND:20230311T020000Z DESCRIPTION:Joeys and Cubs will be canoeing\, swimming and participating in land based activities. Canoe activities will count towards badge work. \nCost will be :\nJoey/Cubs $12.00\nYouth helpers/Leaders $5.00\nEveryone attending will need to bring:\n· snacks\, drinks\, lunch\n· Swimmers\, rashie\, towel\, Water shoes - covered shoes to wear in the water NO CROCS OR SCHOOL SHOES\n· Sunscreen and wide brim hat\n· Dry clothes to change into\nGroups are to supply PFD's where possible. \nALL participants are to follow the Australian Scout Law at all times.\nParticipants will be doing water based activities on land and as well as having a session of canoeing. Land Based activities will be self run by participants and leaders. \nDepending on numbers on the day as well as time allowable\, parents/adults may not get the opportunity to canoe on the day. However parents are encouraged to come along and help with activities. For more info\, go to: LOCATION:Riverside Park\, Verge St\, Kempsey NSW 2440 END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR