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Scouts NSW Southern Regions - Flat-Water Paddling and Rescue Skills Refresher

Event Details
Sat 11th Feb 2023 (8.45am to 3pm)
Black Mountain Pennisulla, ACT
Black Mountain Peninsula, Garryowen Dr, Acton ACT 2601, Australia
Google Map
Participant - $15.00
Trainer / Supporter (On Invitation only) - $3.00
Open: Sun 29th Jan 2023 (12am)
Close: Fri 10th Feb 2023 (12pm)
Maximum 30 people
Brief Summary:
Scouts NSW Southern Regions Venturer, Rover and Leader Flat-Water Canoe & Kayak Paddling and Rescue Skills Refresher Workshop (Saturday 11 Feb 23)
Additional Information

Workshop Aim: This paddling workshops is aimed at providing Venturers, Rovers and Leaders with skills & knowledge sharing and demonstration opportunity, which can be used as logged evidence to contribute towards:

  • Demonstration of inland flat water paddling appointment currency (Safe Participant, Trained Participant, Assistant Guide and Guide). 
  • Accomplishment of qualification in ScoutSkills and VET Paddling Units of Competency (UOC), particularly for those who previously held legacy ScoutSkills and VET Paddling Units of Competency (UOC).

(Please note that attendance on this workshop alone will not present sufficient opportunity to demonstrate the skills and knowledge for ScoutSkills and VET Paddling UOC qualification, where no previous qualifications have been held)

Where and When: Adjascent to the Black Mountains Pennisula Beach area on Saturday 11 February 2023 (8:45am to 3:00pm)

Kayak and canoe participation. Kayak and canoe skills development will be separated during the workshops. Those new to canoeing/kayaking will need to select either Kayak or Canoe (Those that have held both canoe and kayak qualifications previously will have sufficient opportunity to demonstrate paddling and resuce skills currency in both Kayak & Canoe).

Activity Pre-requisites. There will be no prior paddling experience required for those who attend this workshop. All particiopants will need to be able to swim 50m unassisted, while wearing a PFD, and should expect to swim and conduct capsize drills multiple times in water they are unable to stand up in. Participants will be required to get back into a canoe/kayak in deep water and demonstrate safe paddling techniques/boat control. 

All participants seeking qualifications should have a current activity logbook, if seeking VET UOC they should register with the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) and all should complete the Adventurous Activities On-Demand Scout Central e-Learning units relevant to the level of qualification they hold or seek (Core, Common Core and Canoeing/Kayaking). Workbooks will be made available on request to participants for preparation of knowledge evidence for ScoutSkills and/or SAIT VET qualifications. 

Equipment. Participants will require an appropriate and servicable paddle, PFD, whistle, sun-smart clothing (suitable for swimming), wetsuit (optional), water shoes, Cag / rain coat, barrels/floatation (as applicable to the craft they are paddling), etc. Those seeking to kayak will be required to bring a Kayak. There are a limited number of canoes available on request. Particpant kayak/canoe arrangements will need to be confirmed with the Workshop Activity Leader (Mic Doyle) at least 4 days prior to the workshop (mic.doyle@nsw.scouts.com.au or 0414905923). There will be scope for a participants to borrow from a limited pool of paddle equipment, on prior arrangement. Canoes and kayaks intended to be used will need to be a suitable modern plastic hull design (It would be useful if boat type and make could be confirmed as part of registration).

Catering. This workshop will be self-catered by participants. Particiopants should bring lunch, snacks and water for consumption during allocated breaks (There is no scope to buy takeway food during breaks, as lunch breaks will occur on the water where there are no shops).

Transport. Own means or car-pooling as arranged with participants from similar areas.

Workshop Location. The workshop location will be confirmed in the week leading up to the workshop, based on safe water conditions and levels. Where water conditions and levels are not appropriate for the safe conduct of a workshop, every effort will be made to find an alternative location for the workshop.

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Registrations Closed