TEST ENVIRONMENT: Last database refresh from PROD 2/7/2024

Southern NSW - Venturer, Rover and Leader - Bushwalking (Difficult Tracked) Workshop

Event Details
Sat 3rd Jun 2023 (8.30am) to Sun 4th Jun 2023 (4pm)
Orroral Valley, Orroral Road, Namadgie National Park, ACT
Orroral Valley, Orroral Road, Namadgie National Park, ACT
Google Map
Participant - $30.00
Trainer / Supporter (By invite/prior arrangement) - $3.00
Open: Wed 8th Mar 2023 (12am)
Close: Thu 1st Jun 2023 (6pm)
Maximum 24 people
Brief Summary:
This workshop will be a skills refresher for those already qualified and will present participants with a knowledge, skill, abilities and experience development opportunity for use as evidence for accomplishment of Scout Skills / VET qualifications and/or OAS stage progressions.
Additional Information

Workshop Aim: This workshops is aimed at providing Venturers, Rovers and Leaders with opportunity:

  • To establish and maintain a safe, competent and networked Scouting bushwalking community capable of supporting, enabling and facilitating Youth bushwalking opportunities.
  • To develop the foundation skills, knowledge, attitudes and abilities/experience necessary to enable activity leaders to progress towards bushwalking competency and activity supervision capacity required to plan and lead safe, fun, challenging and rewarding bushwalking activities in difficult terrain. 
  • In addition to face-to-face learning, provide opportunity to accumulate logged performance evidence to contribute towards currency and/or qualification in Scout and/or VET bushwaling Units of Competency (Safe Participant, Trained Participant, Assistant Guide and Guide).

Activity Pre-requisites. Those who attend this workshop will need to have completed Stage 3 OAS or the Scouting Adventure Course and have completed at least one previous overnight hike. 

Equipment. Participants will require layered clothing approrpiate for the conditions, hike shoes/boots, hike pack, tent, sleeping bag/mat, stove, pooh tube / wag bag, etc (A detailed packing list will be provided to registered participants by email). Participants will carry all their own gear for the duration of the weekend, with no access to cars during the hike. There is a limited amount of loan kit available on request. 

Activity Area. This activity will be conducted within the Orrroral Valley, within Namadgie National Park (ACT). Starting at the Honeysuckle Campsite (In vicinity of the toilet block).

Catering. This workshop will be self-catered by participants. Particiopants should bring light weight meals and will need breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks and water for consumption (There is no access to shops or refrigeration. There will be no access to vehicles during the activity).

Accommodation. Participants will be overnight camping on the evening of Saturday 03 June 2023 in a temporary bush campsite. Participants may wish to camp at the Orroral campground on the evening of Friday 02 June 2023, to allow arirval in sufficient time for the workshop start time (Campsite will need to be booked by participants). 

Transport. Own means or car-pooling as arranged with participants from similar areas.

Qualification Acquisition. This workshop will present opportunities to demonstrate evidence required for Scout and/or SAIT VET qualifications. All participants seeking qualifications should register with the Scouts Australia Institute of Training (SAIT) and complete the Adventurous Activities On-Demand Scout Central e-Learning units relevant to the level of qualification they hold or seek (Core, Common Core and bushwalking). Workbooks will be made available on request to participants for preparation of knowledge evidence for Scout and/or SAIT VET qualifications. 

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Registrations Closed